Waitakere Arts Membership runs from 01 April through 31 March and is $40 per year, or $10 per quarter, depending on when someone joins (so if we have a new member join in January, then they will only pay $10 for the period Jan – Mar which is the remainder of the subscription year).
Sickness: We ask that if you are unwell, you do not enter The Studio or attend any classes or workshops etc. This is to protect the wellbeing of all our members and any visitors. Please do not be offended if you arrive in an obvious state of illness and are asked to leave.
All room visitors/users MUST sign the register on entering The Studio. This information is not only for our own records but is also needed for funding applications. If you are a Tutor or are hiring The Studio, then it is your responsibility to ensure all visitors/attendees are signed in.
We expect all groups/tutors and students to ensure The Studio is left in a clean and tidy state.
If any accidents occur, please make sure they are recorded in the yellow incident register located on the cabinet at the entrance of The Studio.
If anything is damaged and/or in need of repair or maintenance, please report this to the Office.
All personal pets/support animals must be left outside The Studio unless they are registered sight or hearing guides. You may be asked to provide documentation to support their entry into The Studio.
COVID Protection Framework as designed by NZ Government must be adhered to.
MEMBERS: $7.50 per hour GST inclusive.
NON-MEMBERS: $40 per hour GST inclusive + a $50 bond
Please get in touch with the office and complete a “Studio Booking Form” with requested dates to the office. Applications to rent the room/run a workshop or teach a class MUST be complete no less than 2 weeks/10 business days before the new term commences. This includes any continuation of classes/room hire.
Please note – should your request/dates be available that payment will be expected in full in advance for the dates requested in that particular Term.
Please note the above rate does not include cleaning and/or damages. If the rooms are left in an unacceptable state after your class, you may be charged a soilage/cleaning fee of $25 per hour incl GST.
Terms will coincide with the school terms as outlined on the Education/Govt Website - https://www.education.govt.nz/school/school-terms-and-holiday-dates/ unless otherwise arranged with the Office.
Re-enrolment: Each term of classes is considered a new term. Enrolment in an existing class does not automatically guarantee re-enrolment in the following term for the same class. An existing class participant must reapply if wanting to continue for the new term.
Waitakere Arts will make every effort to ensure that all workshops, classes, outings, and groups proceed as advertised. However, all courses are subject to minimum enrolment numbers. This means we reserve the right to cancel or postpone any of the above should these numbers not be met.
Waitakere Arts also reserves the right to make minor modifications to any course content as we see necessary. This may be done without prior warning and without compromising the overall quality of the course content and structure.
Should there be any occasion where The Studio is unavailable or temporarily closed whilst being hired/booked, Waitakere Arts will negotiate a refund or make alternative arrangements.
Waitakere Arts will not accept any responsibility for goods that are lost or damaged which have been brought to the Studio by users. Room users are expected to take all their belongings with them when leaving the premises.
Materials are not included for any classes unless stated in the class description. Full details of materials required will be supplied to students as soon as possible after receipt of enrolment.
Waitakere Arts is dedicated to providing a safe environment for everyone to enjoy, whereby all members, attendees, staff and our committee show respect to one another.
We do not tolerate bullying, abuse, or harassment of any type from anyone booking with us or using our facilities and services. All reports and allegations will be taken extremely seriously and may result in membership being revoked and/or the instigator being banned from the premises/attending any classes/workshops etc.
If you have any pressing issues or complaints, please address these in a polite manner to the Office Manager or in writing to wccac@xtra.co.nz and the Manager/Committee will act accordingly.
Open sessions are for Members Only.
You must be able to work independently to attend.
Disruptive behaviour will not be tolerated, and you may be asked to leave.
Keys are given as required - at Waitakere Arts discretion - for the duration of a class/workshop and are to be returned on completion of the class/workshop. Arrangements for key return are to be made with the Office Administrator on receipt of key. Please note there is a lost key charge of $40.00 incl GST.
Anyone given the alarm code is expected to treat it confidentially. Please make sure the room is locked, alarmed and blinds are down and the lights are off if you are the last one to leave.
Members and Tutors ONLY
Photocopy - A4 Black and White – 30c per copy
Photocopy - A4 Colour – 50c per copy
Photocopy - A3 Black and White – 80c per copy
Photocopy - A3 Colour – $1 per copy
Lamination - A4 - $3 and A3 - $4
Cancellations by the Student/Group/Participant:
These will be independent of Waitākere Arts and should be addressed directly to the Tutor or specific Workshop/ Class facilitator.
Cancellations by the Tutor:
Waitākere Arts must be given 30 days’ notice of any cancellation. If hiring The Studio, you will not be entitled to a refund of the bond, but consideration will be given to refunding the room rental if the cancellation is unavoidable.
Please note that if any of the above Terms are not met then Waitākere Arts Management and/or Committee reserve the right to cancel any bookings.